Curated list of open source and low-cost wiki software (2020)

A people writing notes

Photo credit: Thought Catalog (Unsplash license)

Introduction about wiki software

I liked using Atlassian Confluence as wiki or knowledge management application. However, Atlassian had announced that the standalone server version would be gone in 2021 February. Also, there would be a price increase of all the existing data center version of Atlassian software.

So, let us look at other alternatives. In this article, I would briefly describe several open source and low-cost wiki and knowledge management software. We would have a summary …

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Curated list of open source and low-cost bug and issue tracking software (2020)

Two people discussing in front of a laptop

Photo credit: John Schnobrich (Unsplash license)

Edit 1: There are changes for OTRS in 2021. On 1 Jan 2021, OTRS 6 community edition would not have new security updates. Also, the GitHub repository for OTRS 6 community is archived. So, there is no official support for OTRS 6 community edition any more.

There are two forks that I am aware at the moment: Znuny and Otobo.

Edit 2: Phabriactor stopped being maintained after June 2021.

Introduction about bug and issue tracking software …

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Quick take about open source software license models and recent movement

Two computer screens used for coding

Photo credit: Fotis Fotopoulos (Unsplash license)

Introduction about open source

Open source software is everywhere. Linux, Git, LibreOffice and many others. Many companies adopted the open source software with their business model. But it did not work out very well for some companies. In this article, we would take a brief look on open source software and its recent movement.

I am not a lawyer and this article is not legal advice of any kind. Always check with lawyers if you have …

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